Professor and Chair of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Regensburg (Germany)
Tel. +49 (0) 941 943-4440
Fax. +49 (0) 941 943-4439
Current research interests:
- Unsubstituted main-group elements as ligands
- supramolecular chemistry of polypnicogen complexes
- mixed main-group-element compounds
- highly reactive compounds with element– transition-metal multiple bonds
- molecular precursors for metastable solids, nanoparticles, and materials
The title is awarded by the Scientific Council of the Institute on its special ceremonial meeting (22.06.2012)
Publications in collaboration with the Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
- 1 Gröger, H. R. Kalbitzer, M. Pronold, D. Piryazev, M. Scheer, J. Wachter, A. Virovets and M. Zabel
Novel Metal-Organic Frameworks Incorporating [Cp°2Mo2P4S] (Cp° = 1-t-Bu-3,4-Me2C5H2), P4S3 and Cu2I2 Building Blocks
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, P. P. 785–793 - 2 Biegerl, D. Piryazev, M. Scheer, J. Wachter,A. Virovets, M. Zabel
P4S3and P,P’ or N,N’ Donors as Competitive Building Blocks in Copper(I) Coordination Polymers
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. – 2011. –P.4248–4255 - 3 A. Pushkarevsky, S. N. Konchenko, M. Zabel, M. Bodensteiner and M. Scheer
Dimerization of pentanuclear clusters [Fe3Q(AsMe)(CO)9] (Q = Se, Te) as conversion pathway to novel cubane-like aggregates
Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 2067 – 2074 - 4 Dielmann, M. Sierka, A. V. Virovets and M. Scheer
Novel Pathway to Extended Polyphosphorus Frameworks
Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 7012 - 7016
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 6860 – 6864 - 5 Scheer, A. Schindler, J. Bai, B. P. Johnson, R. Merkle, R. Winter, A. V. Virovets, E. V. Peresypkina, V. A. Blatov, M. Sierka, and H. Eckert;
Structures and Properties of Spherical 90-Vertex Fullerene-like Nanoballs
Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 16, 2092-2107 - 6 Trinh, M. Bodensteiner, A. V. Virovets, E. V. Peresypkina, M. Scheer, S. M. Matveev and A. Y. Timoshkin;
Chelating ionic versus bridged molecular structures of group 13 metal complexes with bidentate ligands
Polyhedron 2010, 29, 414 – 424 - 7 J. Gregoriades, B. K. Wegley, M. Sierka, E. Brunner, C. Gröger, E. V. Peresypkina, A. V. Virovets, M. Zabel, M. Scheer;
One-Dimensional Polymers Based on Silver(I) Cations and Organometallic cyclo-P3 Ligand Complexes
Chem. Asian J. 2009, 4, 1578 – 1587 - 8 Scheer, A. Schindler, C. Gröger, A. V. Virovets and E. V. Peresypkina;
A spherical molecule with a carbon-free Ih-C80 topological framework
Angew. Chem. 2009, 121, 5148 - 5151
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5046 – 5049 - 9 Welsch, B. Nohra, E. V. Peresypkina, Ch. Lescop, M. Scheer and R. Réau;
Chemistry of Bridging Phosphanes: A Comparative Study within CuI-AgI-AuI Triad-based Homonuclear-dimers
Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 4685 – 4703 - 10 A. Pushkarevsky, D. A. Bashirov, A. V. Litke, A. V. Virovets, N. V. Kurat'eva, M. Scheer, S. N. Konchenko;
Isolobal Replacement of the Metal Fragment in [Fe3(µ3-Q)(µ3-AsCH3)(CO)9] (Q = Se and Te): Synthesis and Structures of a Number of Fe-Ir and Fe-Rh Clusters Simultaneously Containing a Chalcogen and Arsenic
Russ. J. Coord. Chem. 2008, 34, 871 – 883 - 11 Welsch, L. J. Gregoriades, M. Sierka, M. Zabel, A. Virovets and M. Scheer;
Unusual Coordination Behaviour of Pn-Ligand Complexes with Tl+
Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 9483 - 9487
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 9323 – 9326 - 12 Scheer, A. Schindler, R. Merkle, B. P. Johnson, M. Linseis, R. Winter, C. E. Anson and A. Virovets;
Fullerene C60 as an Endohedral Molecule within an Inorganic Supramolecule
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 13386-13387 - 13 A. Pushkarevsky, S. N. Konchenko and M. Scheer;
Synthesis, Structure and Isomerism of the [Fe3Pt(µ4-Q)(CO)9(dppm)] Clusters (Q = Se, Te; dppm = Ph2PCH2PPh2)
J. Cluster Science 2007, 18, 606 – 617 - 14 Scheer, L. J. Gregoriades, A. V. Virovets, W. Kunz, R. Neueder and I. Krossing;
Reversible Formation of Polymeric Chains by Coordination of Pentaphosphaferrocene with Silver(I) Cations
Angew. Chem. 2006, 118, 5818-5822
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 5689-5693 - 15 J. Gregoriades, H. Krauss, J. Wachter, A. V. Virovets, M. Sierka and M. Scheer;
The Potential of a cyclo-As3 Ligand Complex in Supramolecular Chemistry
Angew. Chem. 2006, 118, 4295-4298
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 4189-4192 - 16 Scheer, J. Bai, B. P. Johnson, R. Merkle, A. V. Virovets and C. E. Anson;
Fullerene-like Nanoballs formed by Pentaphosphaferrocene and CuBr
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2005, 20, 4023-4026 - 17 Scheer, M. Kaupp, A. V. Virovets und S. N. Konchenko;
Elemental Gallium as a Source of Novel Subvalent Gallium Units in Unprecedented Ga/Rh Clusters
Angew. Chem. 2003, 115, 5237-5240
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 5083-5086 - 18 N. Konchenko, N. A. Pushkarevsky und M. Scheer;
First Examples of Electrophilic Addition to a Fe2Q Face of [Fe3(µ3-Q)(CO)9]2- (Q = Se, Te) - Synthesis and Characterisation of [MFe3(µ3-Q)(CO)9Cp*] and [IrFe2(µ3-Q)(CO)7Cp*] (M = Rh, Ir; Cp* = η5-C5(CH3)5)
J. Cluster Science 2003, 14, 299 – 312 - 19 Bai, A. V. Virovets und M. Scheer;
Synthesis of Inorganic Fullerene-like Molecules
Science, 2003, 300, 781-783 - 20 N. Konchenko, N. A. Pushkarevsky, A. V. Virovets und M. Scheer;
Reactions of [Fe3(µ3-Q)(CO)9] (Q = Se, Te) with organic and organometallic dihalides of group 15 elements - An approach to functionalised clusters
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2003, 581-585 - 21 N. Konchenko, N. A. Pushkarevsky und M. Scheer;
Synthesis and structure of the novel mixed Sb/Se and Sb/Te-containing Iron Carbonyl Clusters [Fe3(µ3-Y)(µ3-SbMes)(CO)9] (Y = Se, Te) and [Fe3(µ3,η2:η1-SeSbMes)(µ3-SbMes)(CO)10]
J. Organometal. Chem., 2002, 658, 204-209 - 22 Bai, A. V. Virovets und M. Scheer;
Pentaphosphaferrocene as a Linking Unit for the Formation of One- and Two-Dimensional Polymers
Angew. Chem., 2002, 114, 1808-1811
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41, 1737-1740 - 23 Scheer, V. P. Fedin, Yu. V. Mironov und V. E. Fedorov;
Zum Reaktionsverhalten von Molybdän-, Wolfram- und Rheniumchalkogeniden mit Phosphorpentachlorid (russ.)
Zh. Neorg. Khim., 36 (1991) 1382 – 1384 - 24 Scheer, T. T. Nam, K. Schenzel, E. Herrmann, P. G. Jones, V. P. Fedin, V. N. Ikorski und V. E, Fedorov;
Das Reaktionsverhalten von Phosphorpentahalogeniden mit Übergangsmetallcarbonylverbindungen. IV [1,2] - Das Reaktionsverhalten gegenüber [CpM(CO)3]2 ( M = Cr, Mo, W) - Die Kristallstruktur von CpCrCl2CH3CN
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 591 (1990) 221 – 229 - 25 Scheer, T. T. Nam, E. Herrmann, V. P. Fedin und V. E. Fedorov;
Die Reaktion von Phosphorpentabromid mit Chromiumhexacarbonyl in Acetonitril
Z. Chem., 30 (1990) 451 – 452 - 26 Scheer, T. T. Nam, E. Herrmann, V. P. Fedin, V. N. Ikorski und V. E. Fedorov;
Das Reaktionsverhalten von Phosphorpentahalogeniden mit Übergangsmetallcarbonylen. III [1,2] - Die Reaktion von PBr5 mit Metallcarbonylen des Molybdäns und Wolframs
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 589 (1990) 214 - 220 - 27 P. Fedin, M. Scheer, Yu. I. Mironov, A. G. Klimenko, S. M. Ishikaev, V. P. Shaburova und V. E. Fedorov;
Eine neue Methode zur Darstellung Chlor-enthaltender Hochtemperatursupraleiter YBa2Cu3O7-xCly
Isv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1990 (1) 134 – 141 - 28 P. Fedin, M. N. Sokolov, O. A. Geras'ko, M. Scheer, V. E. Fedorov, A. V. Mironov, und L. Slovokhotov und Yu. T. Strutchkov;
New synthetic Route to W3S44+ clusters: preparation and structure of [W3(µ-S)(µ-S)3(S4)3(H2O)3]2-
Inorg. Chim. Acta, 165 (1989) 25 – 26 - 29 G. Klimenko, S. M. Ishikaev, Yu. I. Mironov, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov und M. Scheer;
Synthese und Eigenschaften einphasiger Verbindungen des Typs YBa2Cu3O7-yClx (russ.)
Supraleiter: Physik, Chemie, Technik, 2 (1989) 141 – 145 - 30 Scheer, A. Kolbe, E. Herrmann, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov, V. N. Ikorski und M. A. Fedotov;
Zur Reaktivität von PCl5 mit Übergangsmetallcarbonylen und -phosphiden
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 567 (1988) 111 – 121 - 31 Scheer, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov und B. A. Kolosov;
Die Synthese eines Thiobromides des Wolframs (WS2Br)n (russ.)
Koord. Khim., 14 (1988) 856 - 32 P. Fedin, Yu. V. Mironov, M. Scheer und V. E. Fedorov;
Synthese mehrkerniger Thiokomplexe des Molybdäns und Wolframs (russ.)
Zh. Vsesojusn. Khim. Obshch., 32 (1987) 106 – 107 - 33 Scheer, V. P. Fedin, V. E. Fedorov, M. A. Fedotov und P. P. Semjanikov;
Zur Reaktivität von Telluriden des Niobs, Molybdäns, Wolframs und Rheniums mit Phosphorpentachlorid (russ.)
Zh. Neorg. Khim., 38 (1987) 1769 – 1771