





Prof. Dr. Krishan LalProf. Dr. Krishan Lal

President, Indian National Science Academy, Foreign Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, DST Ramanna Fellow, Past President, CODATA Former Director National Physical Laboratory, Prof.

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Academic and Research Achievements: Dr Krishan Lal established and led an active research group on crystal growth and study of crystal defects by high-resolution X-ray diffraction techniques. He has made important contributions in the area of lattice imperfections in nearly perfect crystals and crystal growth. His research work has led to breakthroughs in understanding the nature of real materials and their interaction with radiation and external fields. His basic research has helped in establishing the origin of diffuse X-ray scattering from crystals; made it possible to directly observe and characterize effect of external electric fields on real structure of semiconductors and insulators; enabled characterization of effect of processing steps for solid state devices fabrication on substrate materials; and enabled growth of single crystals of unprecedented perfection level. Recently, very low angle boundaries with tilt angles as low as ~15-arc sec have been directly observed and characterized for the first time. He has edited eight books and published more than hundred research papers in refereed journals. He has seven patents to his credit.

The title is awarded by the Scientific Council of the Institute on its special ceremonial meeting (№ 28, 18.05.1998)




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