19 сентября 2013 г., четверг, 15-00, конференц-зал, научный семинар ИНХ СО РАН
Prof. Dr. Sergey P. Verevkin
University of Rostock, Germany
Upper limit challenge for the enthalpy of vaporization of ionic and molecular compounds
Volatility of a material depends on a temperature. Extremely low volatile compounds tend rather to decompose than to vaporize.
How to study thermally labile molecules?
Is there any upper limit for the enthalpy of vaporization for ionic and molecular compounds?
Development of indirect and direct experimental methods for vapour pressure and vaporization enthalpy measurements: quartz crystal microbalance, static method, thermograviemetry, transpiration, as well as combustion calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, and solution calorimetry has been performed in our laboratory. Details of experimental and theoretical methods will be discussed.