
Пятый семинар СО РАН – УрО РАН

Российская Академия наук
Сибирское Отделение РАН
Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований
Научный совет РАН по химической термодинамике и термохимии
Институт неорганической химии СО РАН
Институт химии твердого тела и механохимии СО РАН
Институт теплофизики СО РАН
Институт химии твердого тела УрО РАН
Институт металлургии УрО РАН
Уральский Государственный университет

Пятый семинар СО РАН – УрО РАН


26-28 cентября 2005 г.,

Второе информационное сообщение

Программа семинара

В программу работы семинара вошло более 220 научных докладов. Учитывая большой объем планируемой к обсуждению информации, заседания семинара предполагается проводить по секциям, где будут заслушаны около 30 устных докладов. Время для устного доклада – 30 мин., включая вопросы. Основная часть научных сообщений будет представлена в форме стендовых докладов.

Представление докладов

Рабочий язык семинара – русский. Для представления устных докладов предлагается мультимедийная техника и/или диапроектор. Стендовые доклады должны быть размещены на площади: ширина 60 см, высота 90 см.

Публикация материалов семинара

К началу семинара будет опубликован сборник тезисов докладов.

Место проведения

Работа семинара будет проходить в г. Новосибирске в период с 26 по 28 сентября 2005 г.
Рабочие заседания будут проводиться в конференц-зале Института неорганической химии СО РАН (проспект Ак. Лаврентьева, 3).

Регистрация участников

Регистрация участников будет проходить в фойе Института неорганической химии СО РАН в период - 25 сентября с 10 до 20 час., 26 сентября - с 8 до 10 час.

Регистрационный взнос участника семинара - отсутствует

Размещение иногородних участников семинара

Размещение участников семинара - в гостинице «Золотая Долина» в Академгородке и в общежитии НГУ. Ориентировочная стоимость проживания:

  • в 1-местном номере – 660 руб./сутки,
  • в 2-местном номере – 550 руб./сутки,
  • в общежитии - 225 руб./сутки.

Для своевременного бронирования гостиницы или общежития просим до 1 июня 2005 г. сообщить необходимость бронирования места в гостинице или общежитии ученому секретарю семинара и направить АНКЕТУ .

Адреса для контактов:

630090, Новосибирск, проспект Ак. Лаврентьева, 3
Оргкомитет Пятого семинара СО РАН-УрО РАН
«Термодинамика и материаловедение»
Ученые секретари Фролова Галина Ивановна
Зеленина Людмила Николаевна
Факс (383) 3309489,
E-mail: ,


Программа семинара (скачать документ Word, 272 Kb)

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Second Conference of the Asian Consortium
for Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-2)
July 14-16, 2004,
Novosibirsk, Russia

Organized by
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS,
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS,
Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS,
Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics SB RAS

Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
Japan Technos,
Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of RF, 
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science,
Center for Northeast Asia Studies of Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,
Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM)



We are glad to invite you to participate in the Second Conference of the Asian Consortium for Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-2), which will be organized in Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok) Russia during July 14-16, 2004. The first conference ACCMS-1 was held in Bangalore, India in November 2001.

The Asian Consortium for Computational Materials Science has been set up to nurture and promote research and developmental activities in computational materials science in Asian countries. Computational materials science has emerged as a distinct multidisciplinary branch of science whose relevance and importance has come from (a) the desire to have a microscopic understanding of complex materials and phenomena, (b) the need to design novel materials with a desired combination of physical, chemical and metallurgical properties, and (c) the possibility to describe the basic inter-atomic interactions in materials via appropriate quantum mechanical and statistical mechanical tools. With the unprecedented growth of computer power and the developments of efficient and smart algorithms and codes, it is now possible to do large scale simulations of real materials with increasing complexity. A synergy amongst a wide variety of disciplines such as physics, chemistry, metallurgy, geology, biology, computer science and information technology is gradually coming to a reality due to advances in computer simulations. The Conference will emphasize all aspects of computational materials science.

The Conference is organized by the Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, and Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia).

The Conference will be held at the Novosibirsk Scientific Centre (Akademgorodok). The scientific program will start on Wednesday morning, July 14, and the last scientific session is scheduled on Friday evening, July 16.
Akademgorodok is the capital of Siberian Science and accounts for about a half of the Division’s research potential (22 research institutes in natural, technical and social sciences). Situated 30 km far from Novosibirsk city, it is a large industrial, scientific and cultural centre of Russia, in the beautiful forest. Akademgorodok is an interesting place not only for the scientific activities, but also for leisure.
The Conference will be located in the House of Scientists in Novosibirsk Scientific Centre.

English will be the official Conference language.

The deliberations of the ACCMS -2 will cover topics such as density functional theory-based methods, Monte Carlo, molecular and lattice dynamics simulations, tight-binding and effective medium approaches, order-N methods, mixed-basis methods, quasi-continuum approaches, quantum Monte Carlo, genetic algorithm, etc and their applications to different materials.
The Conference program will include Plenary Lectures, Invited Lectures, and Poster Presentations. A few short presentations will be selected from contributions to highlight hot topics and new developments.

O. K. Andersen
Max-Plank Institute for Festkorperforschung, Heisenberg Strasse
Stuttgart, Germany
N. Allan
School of Chemistry, University of Bristol,
Bristol, U K
V. R. Belosludov
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RAS (Sib. div.)
Novosibirsk, Russia
G. P. Das
TPPED, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, India
I. Dasgupta
Department of Physics and Metereology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, India
J. Dong
Nanjing University, Nanjing,
Y. P. Feng
National University of Singapore,
J. Ihm
Seoul National University, 
Seoul, South Korea
T. Ikeshoji 
Research Institute for Computational Sciences (RICS)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 
Tsukuba, Japan
D. G. Kanhere
University of Pune, Physics Department, Ganeshkhind Pune,
Y. Kawazoe
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Japan
H. Kim
Div. of Chemical Metrology and Materials Evaluation
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science Yuseong,
Daejeon, South Korea
M. Kohyama
Interface Science Research Group,
Special Division for Green Life Technology,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
Osaka, Japan
V.I. Kosyakov
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RAS (Sib. div.),
Novosibirsk, Russia
V. Kumar
Institute for Materials Research,
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan & VKF, Chennai, India
F. A. Kuznetsov
Nikolaev Institute of   Inorganic Chemistry, RAS (Sib. div.),
Novosibirsk, Russia
S. de Leeuw 
DelftChemTech, Delft University of Technology,
Delft,  Netherlands
E. G. Maksimov
PN Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
M. Mikami
Research Institute for Computational Sciences (RICS)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Tsukuba, JAPAN
A. Mookerjee
S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake City
Kolkata, India
I. V. Murin
St.Petersburg State University,
St.Petersburg, Russia
D. Nguyen-Manh
Theory and Modelling Department, UKAEA,
Culham Science Centre, Abingdon,
Oxfordshire, UK
K. Ohno
Department of Physics, Yokohama National University
Yokohama, Japan
M. R. Philpott
National University of Singapore Department of Materials Science,
A. Postnikov
Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Russia, & Osnabrueck University - Department of Physics
Osnabrueck, Germany
Z. Shi
Fudan University, Shanghai
R.B. Tao
Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
V. M. Tapilin
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis RAS (Sib. div.),
Novosibirsk, Russia
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada
M. Tsukada
University of Tokyo, Department of Physics,
Tokyo, Japan
Z. Sh.Yanovitskaya
Institute of Semiconductor Physics RAS (Sib. div.),
Novosibirsk, Russia

Three Aida-Kawazoe prizes will be given for best paper presented in the Conference to encourage young researchers.

The proceedings of the Conference will be published. Participants should bring the manuscripts at the time of the Conference, which will be refereed. Instructions for preparation of manuscripts will be sent in due course of time.

Ahmed, University of Dhaka
O. K. Andersen, Max-Plank Institute, Stuttgart
R. Chitradorn, NECTC
M.C. Chon, APAM
G. P. Das, BARC
M. Doyama, Teikyo University Science and Technology
K. Esfarjani, Sharif Institute of Technology
B. L. Gu, Tsinghua University
J. Ihm, Seoul National University
P. Jena, Virginia Commonwealth University
Y. Kawazoe, Tohoku University
V. Kumar, Tohoku University/Vijay Kumar Foundation
T. K. Lee, National Taiwan University
D. Nguyen-Manh, UKAEA
D. G. Pettifor, University of Oxford
M. R. Philpott, National University of Singapore
P. Rama Rao, ARCI
S. Ranganathan, Indian Institute of Science
M. W. Radny, University of Newcastle, Callaghan
C. O. Rodriguez, IFLYSIB
R. B. Tao, Fudan University
K. Terakura, AIST, Tsukuba
M. Tsukada, University of Tokyo
L. T. Wille, Florida Atlantic University

F. A. Kuznetsov, Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, SB RAS
V. E. Panin, Institute of Strength Physics and Material sciences, SB RAS
I. V. Murin, St.Petersburg State University
I. G. Neizvestnii, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS
G. M. Zhidomirov, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS

F. A. Kuznetsov - Chair
V. R. Belosludov – Convener
E.V. Kholopov
V. S. Berdnikov
Z. S. Yanovitskaya
T. M. Inerbaev - Secretary
Yu. G. Stenin
P. P. Samoilov
I. L. Zilberberg
O. S. Subbotin - Secretary
A. A. Pomeranskii
Vera Pikalova
Ksenya Syrtseva - Secretary

ACCMS-2 Secretariat
Dr. V. R. Belosludov
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
3, Acad. Lavrentiev Ave.,
Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Phone: (3832)343057, Fax: (3832)344489
E-mail: ,

For participants from abroad: US
For participants from Russia: Rub. 500
For students from Russia: Rub. 200
(Rates for Russian delegates have been subsidized with the funding from the government of Russia)

The conference fee will cover arrival and departure transportation from the airport to the hotel, welcome reception, registration, book of abstracts, coffee breaks, refreshments, banquet and excursions but excludes accommodation charge.
The conference fee (in US dollars or an equivalent amount of EURO) should be transferred to the account of «Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, ACCMS-2» as is shown below:
(Payment by cheque is not acceptable)

For payment in EURO:
Account: # 0104108394
Beneficiary Bank:

16, Prospect Lavrentieva Novosibirsk,
630090, Russia

Beneficiary: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Account: # 40503978900201000005

For payment in USD:
Intermediary Bank: Union Bank of California International New York
ABA: 026005050
CHIPS: 0505
Account: # 91-282004-1121
Beneficiary Bank:

16, Prospect Lavrentieva,
Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

Beneficiary: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Account: # 40503840300201000005

In case an invoice for the payment of the conference fee through the Bank is needed, it will be sent to you on request.
The deadline for the receipt of the conference fee is June 1, 2004.

Partial support may be offered on request, to a limited number of young participants below the age of 35 years.

Abstracts should be submitted through e-mail at the addresses and   as attached RTF files, in the following format:

All abstracts must fit into one A4 page (including figures and references), aligned in width, using 11 point font and type Times New Roman, one and half spacing, 2.0 cm left and right margins, 2.0 cm spacing from the top and 4.0 cm spacing from the bottom of the sheet.
Please, provide on the top of the page: title (capital letters); next line, the names of all authors (small letters, name of speaker should be marked with *); next line, the affiliation (institute and address, made in italic type).
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is April 1, 2004.

Participants will be accommodated at the Hotel «Golden Valley», which offers good and inexpensive accommodation. The hotel is located at walking distance from the conference center (5-10 min.).
In order to book the hotel, please complete the accommodation form and send it to the Secretariat at the e-mail address: . Early arrivals and late departures are accepted.
Cash payment for lodging is made at the hotel in rubles. The current rate is approximately 28.0 Rubles to 1 USD.

Online accommodation form was available
Deadline for receipt of the accommodation form is June 15, 2004.


Novosibirsk is easily accessible by plane. The information can be obtained from the web site http://english.s7.ru/ and http://www.aeroflot.ru/eng/. Direct flights from Frankfurt, Hannover, Seoul are made by «Siberia» airlines (S7).
Useful travel information can be received from the website www.travelocity.com or by e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
The Organizing Committee will provide bus transportation from the airport to the hotel. Details will be e-mailed to the participants later according to the declared arrival and departure schedule.

Visa is necessary for a visit to Russia. The rules for making visa application are rather complicated and participants are advised to apply well in advance. A personal invitation will be sent to any scientist requiring one in order to obtain a visa to attend the meeting. To facilitate and make visa in time, please give us the following information:

  1. Dates of visit
  2. Full name
  3. Position
  4. Organization, address of organization, fax number
  5. Place of birth (city, country)
  6. Home address (city, country)
  7. City, where you plan to get visa
  8. Route
  9. Full mailing address
  10. Copy of the first page of your passport (jpg or pdf format)

The above information should be sent by e-mail to the Secretary of ACCMS-2, Ksenya Syrtseva to the address: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.#Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. before April 1, 2004 for arranging visa invitation letter.
Further information concerning scientific program of the Conference, excursions, etc. will be available on our website: (http://www-lab.imr.edu/~accms/) and on the website of Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS (http://www.niic.nsc.ru/).


April 1, 2004    Deadline for receipt of abstracts
April 1, 2004   Deadline for submitting necessary information for arranging  visa invitation letter
June 1, 2004   Deadline for receipt of conference fee
June 15, 2004   Deadline for receipt of the accommodation form
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